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SAE Magazine

86 PEOPLE & BUSINESS // MINDBITS – ANNEKATHRIN ECKERT AND STEFFEN KRAGELIN Steffen: Up to now there were no boring projects or clients. Every single project brought us some new knowledge and the clients were happy. To reject a project there would have to be deep differences in thinking and philosophy between the client and us. But such a case hasn’t occurred yet. Anne: Maybe in the future when we are in the position to reject boring projects. But now we are consolidating our business and haven’t had to explain that to anyone yet. Who are your clients? Steffen: Mostly we work for freelance clients or small companies with one to five employees. But the projects they came up with were rather com- plex, so we were busy with two parallel projects. Anne: Those clients had minds about their target making our work slightly e Prospective - Where will yo Steffen: On the top of seriously... probably as two additional employees image and create long-te clients in Leipzig. And of making our living. Mindbits in short The following synopsis overview about the wor bits. Founded in mid 2010 M as a small agency for c Leipzig. Right off the cit Zoo. You can find Anne office working on excitin clients. Lately they pres printed papers for Sam designers from Leipzig. of work being done for estate agent Profidelis. Anne and Steffen accom Diploma and Bachelor s Photo:ChristophErdmann, SAEInstituteLeipzig Steffen at work - moving text boxes from A to B
